
WH40k Book Club Episode #8 – Shroud of Night by Andy Clark

Each episode will be in a traditional book club format. Every month we will read one book to discuss at the club meeting aka podcast. Sometimes we will read the same book. Sometimes we will read different books, but there will be a method to our madness as to why.

Can you believe it? We’ve actually strayed to a different author! We’ve never read anything by Andy Clark before, so we had no idea what to expect with Shroud of Night. To be honest, we saw Alpha Legion and jumped on board. It’s another tale on the “wrong side” of the Great Rift, but this is nothing like the last tale. To put it bluntly, this shit is BONKERS.

Alpha Legion. Emperor’s Children. World Eaters. Imperial Fists. Adeptas Sororitas. Khârn. Saint Celestine. Did we say KHÂRN? Because OMG, Khârn. So what happens when you throw all of these players onto one planet together? Well, nothing good, to be honest. But at the same time, it’s oh so entertaining.

With the Alpha Legion known for “not being sure which side they’re on,” their presence in this clear fight between loyalists and traitors is both chaotic (pun intended) and hilarious. There is going to be a sequel, RIGHT, ANDY CLARK?

Our next book continues with the Imperial Fists who will hopefully have a happier ending? BWAHAHAHAHA we’re just kidding. There are no happy endings in WH40k. Join us with Apocalypse by Josh Reynolds.

The vidcast is, of course, on YouTube, and the podcast is on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. If you like us, please subscribe or even leave a review!




It was all thanks to a little game called Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine that alerted Keri to the intricate world of WH40K. She's not into tabletop gaming, but she loves extended lore. After getting through just one omnibus, it was all downhill from there. She can't leave the local Citadel without $150 in books.

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