How well do the Space Dwarves fit in the world of WH40k?
Book Club Book #140: The High Kahl’s Oath by Gav Thorpe
Dwaaaaaaaarves in spaaaaaaaaace!
Primarch Pilgrimage: Rogal Dorn: The Emperor’s Crusader by Gav Thorpe
Sigismund may be the Eternal Crusader, but Dorn is the Emperor’s Crusader.
WH40k Book Club Episode #125 – The Purging of Kadillus by Gav Thorpe
Are the Dark Angels interesting without the Fallen?
Book Club Book #125: The Purging of Kadillus by Gav Thorpe
Orks vs. Dark Angels gives Caddyshack caddies-vs-country-club vibes…
Horus Hearsay #38 – Angels and Daemons of Caliban
Hope you’re ready for some Dark Angels gushing…