It’s a story of Father and Sons…
Book Club Book #141: Eidolon: The Auric Hammer by Marc Collins
See how Eidolon wears his severed head on his neck? Very demure. Very mindful.
WH40k Book Club Episode #122 – Renegades: Lord of Excess by Rich McCormick
What would happen if the Emperor’s Children ruled a world? This. This would happen.
Book Club Book #122: Renegades: Lord of Excess by Rich McCormick
Be sure to count the number of times the word “perfection” comes up!
Horus Hearsay #23 – Angel Exterminatus ad Laminam
Dammit now I like the Iron Warriors. Is there any main Legion I don’t like? Oh wait, yes. Yes there is.
Horus Hearsay #20 – Primarchs (Just Four of Them)
Oh yay, another collection of stories in the Horus Heresy.