Book Club Book

Book Club Book #109: Creed: Ashes of Cadia by Jude Reid

Every two weeks we read a new book in the WH40k universe and discuss it on our podcast. We invite you to read along with us and join in on our conversation via comments, Twitter, email, or vox cast.

For this episode, we’re reading Creed: Ashes of Cadia by Jude Reid. You can purchase it at AmazonBlack Library. and Audible.

From the back of the book:

What does it mean to be Cadian after the Fall? Ursula Creed has come to terms with the loss of her home world. For decades she has built a glittering career in the furthest reaches of the Imperium, far from her legendary father’s shadow. But when unexpected orders arrive from the Avenging Son himself, Roboute Guilliman, the new Lord Castellan realises that the past may not be ready to let her go.

Dispatched to the shattered remains of Cadia in search of Ursarkar E. Creed’s final battle plans, Ursula finds the planet a hellscape full of deadly secrets. What horrors claim Cadia’s corpse as their domain? What became of those left behind? What orders did Creed leave for Cadia when all was lost? And, most troubling of all, how can she succeed where her illustrious father has already failed?

Questions to ponder after reading Creed: Ashes of Cadia:

  • Did you like the book?
  • Which parts stood out to you?
  • Cadia stands! Kind of! What do you think of what they’ve done with the place?
  • Did you like Ursula Creed as both a protagonist and a leader?
  • Let’s talk about her crew. Who did you like? Who did you not like? Where do they all go from here?
  • Was The Huntsman a good antagonist? Did you like the use of Nurgle here?
  • The $62,000 question: Was the MacGuffin worth it? Will Bob ultimately let them use the information?
  • Speculation time: Who was Argent working with? Who could benefit from having the information? And who left the coat?
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