Book Club Book

Book Club #21: Rites of Passage by Mike Brooks

Every two weeks we read a new book in the WH40k universe and discuss it on our podcast. We invite you to read along with us and join in on our conversation via comments, Twitter, email, or vox cast.

This episode we’re reading Rites of Passage by Mike Brooks. You can purchase on AmazonBlack Library, or Audible.

Rites of Passage by Mike BrooksRites of Passage by Mike Brooks

From the back of the book:

Lord Azariel, Head of the Navigator House Brobantis is dead. His widow and murderer, the Lady Chettamandey, stands to inherit his power and influence. Her plans for ascension are curtailed when she’s drawn into a dark world of ritual killings and cult murders, with planets being dragged into the warp seemingly at a whim, the threat to Chettamandey’s legacy is dire, and only she can avert potential disaster.

Questions to ponder after reading Rites of Passage:

  • Did you like the book?
  • What parts stood out to you?
  • We’ve seen wealthy 40k-ites, and the politics on Terra. How do the politics of navigators compare? Do you understand the politics? What stood out most to you?
  • Chetta is a unique protagonist amongst those we’ve read. Do you like her? How do you feel about her scheming?
  • Lady Vass is a formidable character. Were you surprised by her reveal? How do you feel about her overall plan?
  • Did you like Niklau as an antagonist? How did you feel about his overall planning and scheming?
  • Did the end surprise you? Are you excited for a sequel?

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