
WH40k Book Club Episode #7 – Spear of the Emperor by Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Each episode will be in a traditional book club format. Every month we will read one book to discuss at the club meeting aka podcast. Sometimes we will read the same book. Sometimes we will read different books, but there will be a method to our madness as to why.

Aaron Dembski-Bowden typically writes about Traitor Legions, so we had to jump on his newest novel that focuses upon Loyalist chapters. Not only is Spear of the Emperor about a Loyalist chapter, but it’s about a brand new chapter (or really, chapters) never before mentioned in WH40k lore. These unfortunate chapters found themselves on the “wrong” side of the Great Rift and now have their own battles to fight.

Since the Imperium has essentially abandoned them, the Emperor’s Spears and Celestial Lions focus upon survival and protecting their region of space: the Elara’s Veil. Their first Imperial contact in a century is one lone ship with one lone Space Marine emissary. Their reception of this ambassador is interesting, to say the least.

Our next book finally moves away from Aaron Dembski-Bowden and toward a Legion that might be both a Traitor Legion and Loyalist. Join us with Shroud of Night by Andy Clark.

The vidcast is, of course, on YouTube, and the podcast is on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. If you like us, please subscribe or even leave a review!




It was all thanks to a little game called Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine that alerted Keri to the intricate world of WH40K. She's not into tabletop gaming, but she loves extended lore. After getting through just one omnibus, it was all downhill from there. She can't leave the local Citadel without $150 in books.

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