
WH40k Book Club Episode #48 – Penitent by Dan Abnett

Buckle up, folks. This episode got…long. And animated. And ranty. We were already hesitant with Penitent by Dan Abnett after Abnett said that this book was going to have a major lore changer. If you’ve listened to this voxcast long enough, you already know how we feel about Abnett’s need to throw wrenches in lore. We regret absolutely nothing.

We didn’t rant the entire time, I promise. I was firmly on a leash until Jen told me to go ahead. There was so much to discuss, from the Immaterial College to the two teams vying for control to the random drinking group that discusses…things(?). It’s a long one, but it’s filled with very animated discussion.

Next up is something we’ve been extremely excited about. We would have read it first, but we decided to get the Shake’n’Bake porkchops out of the way before we could get dessert. And that dessert is Swords of Calth by Graham McNeill. Wherever there is Uriel Ventris, WE WILL BE THERE!

The Penitent by Dan Abnett vidcast is, of course, on YouTube, and the podcast is on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and virtually anywhere else you can find podcasts! If you like us, please subscribe or even leave a review! If you haven’t bought the book yet, better do that before giving a listen! Don’t forget, we are also on Patreon! We have two tiers of unique content for your listening pleasure for only a few bucks a month. We appreciate your love and support regardless of becoming a patron.

Each episode will be in a traditional book club format. We will read one mutually agreed upon book to discuss at the club meeting aka podcast. Sometimes we will read brand new books, sometimes we will read old books, but there will be a method to our madness as to why.




It was all thanks to a little game called Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine that alerted Keri to the intricate world of WH40K. She's not into tabletop gaming, but she loves extended lore. After getting through just one omnibus, it was all downhill from there. She can't leave the local Citadel without $150 in books.

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