
WH40k Book Club Episode #24 – Vaults of Terra: Hollow Mountain by Chris Wraight

Each episode will be in a traditional book club format. We will read one mutually agreed upon book to discuss at the club meeting aka podcast. Sometimes we will read brand new books, sometimes we will read old books, but there will be a method to our madness as to why.

We’re going to declare 2020 as the year of the Wraight, as we finish our second Chris Wraight book of the year. It’s only March at that. Oh and we’re starting a third right after this one. But first, let’s focus on the second book in the Vaults of Terra series, Hollow Mountain by Chris Wraight.

Inquisitor Erasmus Crowl is back on the prowl to fully uncover this failed plot involving dark eldar and the Throne. But how important is it that he fully uncovers this mystery over other pressing matters? Is it worth risking the lives of his people? Is it worth risking his own sanity?

While we both liked it, we did have varying opinions on this exact topic. Also, as a warning of sorts, we found out an hour before recording that Adepticon was canceled. So we brought on two friends to cast with us: Wine and Whiskey. It was a good time all around.

As said before, the next book is yet another book from Wraight, and it’s a sequel we’ve been anticipating for some time. Our favorite power couple has returned in Watchers of the Throne: The Regent’s Shadow.

The Vaults of Terra: Hollow Mountain by Chris Wraight vidcast is, of course, on YouTube, and the podcast is on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify! If you like us, please subscribe or even leave a review! If you haven’t bought the book yet, better do that before giving a listen!




It was all thanks to a little game called Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine that alerted Keri to the intricate world of WH40K. She's not into tabletop gaming, but she loves extended lore. After getting through just one omnibus, it was all downhill from there. She can't leave the local Citadel without $150 in books.

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