Categories: Podcasts

WH40k Book Club Episode #15 – Knights of Macragge by Nick Kyme

Each episode will be in a traditional book club format. We will read one mutually agreed upon book to discuss at the club meeting aka podcast. Sometimes we will read brand new books, sometimes we will read old books, but there will be a method to our madness as to why.

Knights of Macragge by Nick Kyme was on our must-read list as soon as Black Library announced it. Any chance we have to go back to the Ultramarines I am 100% on board with, not to mention we both adore the I, Cato Sicarius memes. Plus, after reading about Cato Sicarius in Dark Imperium: Plague War, we were really curious as to what happened to him when he was lost in the warp. Well, other than bad things, because being lost in the warp is never good.

Suffice to say, this book was nothing like we expected. But did we like it? Do we bury our personal grudges against Cato Sicarius? Was this or was this not some of the best horror we’ve read this year? Give us a view/listen!

As for the next book club book, we’re reading yet another OMG MUST BUY/READ NAO book from the moment the Black Library announced it: Belisarius Cawl: The Great Work by Guy Haley.

The Knights of Macragge by Nick Kyme vidcast is, of course, on YouTube, and the podcast is on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and NOW Spotify! If you like us, please subscribe or even leave a review!




It was all thanks to a little game called Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine that alerted Keri to the intricate world of WH40K. She's not into tabletop gaming, but she loves extended lore. After getting through just one omnibus, it was all downhill from there. She can't leave the local Citadel without $150 in books.

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