Black Library
January 28, 2017

Gotta love everything when it comes to the Deathwatch. It's always ten times more fun when they're led by an Inquisitor who is definitely not on the up and up.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B01N7WOB6X” locale=”US” tag=”chocoboyoga-20″]Amazon[/easyazon_link] | Black Library | [easyazon_link identifier=”1784966223″ locale=”US” tag=”chocoboyoga-20″]Deathwatch Omnibus[/easyazon_link]
Faction: Various Loyalist Chapters
What it’s about: The Deathwatch is a kill-team comprised of the best of the best from various Space Marine factions. Their job is solely to wipe out all xenos under the direction of an Inquisitor who generally forms the Deathwatch squad. This particular Deathwatch squad is nearly none of those things. Inquisitor Dagovar assembles a Deathwatch of maniacs, mutants, and members of factions from the Cursed Founding to storm the fortress Vorago Fastness to find a particular alien relic.
Why you should read it: Stories about the Inquisition are always fun, because they’re almost always mysteries. But with this one, we get to see a darker, rather sinister side to the Inquisition. It also has a rare glimpse into the creepy underbelly of the Space Marines, the ones that are generally hidden away from the public.
Additional reading: If you want to learn more about the Deathwatch, which are pretty fascinating, then look no further than the [easyazon_link identifier=”1784966223″ locale=”US” tag=”chocoboyoga-20″]Deathwatch Omnibus[/easyazon_link].