Theory is that the Ravenor trilogy was rushed. I can believe it.
[Read more]Outside the Book Club: Ravenor Omnibus by Dan Abnett
Horror Heresy: The Wicked and The Damned Review
The Black Library has begun a new line of books for the horror genre. How are they able to make the grimdark future even more horrifying?
[Read more]WH40k Book Club Episode #2 – The Magos by Dan Abnett
Horus Hearsay #1: The Surprise of Horus Rising
WH40k Book Club Book 3: Blood of Iax by Robbie MacNiven
Did someone say they wanted more Primaris Space Marines? No? You’re getting them anyway.
[Read more]WH40k Book Club Episode #1 – Dark Imperium by Guy Haley
Roboute Guilliman has returned in Guy Haley’s Dark Imperium novel. But is an idolized hero returning from the dead all that it’s cracked up to be?
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