Book Club Book

Book Club Book #144: Double Eagle by Dan Abnett

Every two weeks we read a new book in the WH40k universe and discuss it on our podcast. We invite you to read along with us and join in on our conversation via comments, Twitter, Discord, email, or vox cast.

For this episode we’re traveling into the way back machine to read Double Eagle by Dan Abnett, in preparation for Interceptor City. You can purchase it at AmazonBlack Library, or Audible.

From the back of the book:

High-speed air combat in the war-torn Sabbat Worlds!

When the elite fighter pilots of the Phantine XX arrive on the beleaguered world of Enothis, they know it is a desperate hour. The forces of Chaos are closing in and their final push could well wipe out all human life on the planet. Thousands of refugees flee the dark armies and the infamous Chaos fighter pilot Khrel Kas Obarkon is always hunting the skies for more prey…

And so it falls to the brave men and women of the Phantine fighter corps. Can they hold off the Chaos advance until reinforcements arrive? In the high-speed, white-knuckle terror of aerial combat, can they defeat an enemy possessed by daemons?

Discussion guide for Double Eagle

  • Did you like the book?
  • Which parts stood out to you?
  • Did you like Bree Jagdea as a commander? Was she a “good” leader of her squadron?
  • Which of the pilots stood out to you? Whose story were you particularly invested in?
  • Was the Red Baron Khrel Kas Obarkon a good antagonist? Was he underused or just right?
  • How does OG Abnett compare to recent Abnett?
  • Are you excited for the next book?

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