Every two weeks we read a new book in the WH40k universe and discuss it on our podcast. We invite you to read along with us and join in on our conversation via comments, Twitter, email, or vox cast.
For this episode, we’re reading Ahriman Undying by John French. You can purchase it at Amazon, Black Library, or Audible.
From the back of the book:
Ahriman languishes on the threshold of space and time, adrift in a sub-realm of unknowable dimension and aspect. He has found it at long last: the ancient device known to the necrons as the Key of Infinity. This should be his moment of triumph – but he is not the Ahriman he used to be. Betrayed and lost, he is a solitary sorcerer, bereft of allies, standing amongst the smashed and ruined ephemera of his grand designs.
With his dreams as dust and his Legion consumed by the fires of the Pyrodomon, Ahriman must fight his way across the shattered remnants of his past if he is to have any hope of saving his future.
Questions to ponder after reading Ahriman: Undying:
- Did you like the book?
- What parts stood out to you?
- Non-linear storytelling is a tricky feat to pull off. Did French succeed? Do you like the narrative structure?
- As for the actual narrative, were you invested in Ahriman’s schemes this time?
- What game are the Harlequins playing at this time?
- Pyrodomon plays a very active role in this story. Was it/he a compelling adversary for Ahriman?
- Which of Ahriman’s followers do you like? Did you sympathize with any of them?
- Does the end make sense, and is it satisfying?
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