Book Club Book

Book Club Book #127: Siege of Vraks by Steve Lyons

Every two weeks we read a new book in the WH40k universe and discuss it on our podcast. We invite you to read along with us and join in on our conversation via comments, Twitter, email, or vox cast.

For this episode, we’re reading Siege of Vraks by Steve Lyons. You can purchase it at AmazonBlack Library, and Audible.

From the back of the book:

Vraks is an armoury world that is vital to the struggling Imperium and its efforts to resist the wider threats to humanity. The planet is a key link in the long supply chain that keeps the beleaguered Imperial regiments stationed around the Eye of Terror and ready for war.

The stoic Death Korps of Krieg have been assigned to this desperate world’s defence. The grim soldiers of this regiment are born to serve the Emperor, as below Krieg’s irradiated surface is a human factory, existing only to produce soldiers destined for the front line in the Imperium’s most toxic and gruelling warzones. These indoctrinated soldiers are unflinchingly loyal and willing to sacrifice themselves without question or regard to ultimately win victory.

And they will need all these qualities to face the horrors awaiting them on Vraks…

Questions to ponder after reading Siege of Vraks:

  • Did you like the book?
  • Which parts stood out to you?
  • The Siege of Vraks is a major event in the WH40k universe. Do you think Steve Lyons did it justice?
  • The narrative bounces through several POVs. Was this good storytelling? Did you like it?
  • Did you like Confessor Tenaxus? Were we supposed to?
  • Veteran Colonel Tyborc stands out amongst the Krieg. Did you like his character? Was he relatable?
  • The Inquisition is here! Were these good inquisitors? Do you trust them?
  • In the end, was it worth it?
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